Wednesday, 28 January 2009

Art & Soul Magazine_Andie Scott , “1100 Tokens”

First published in Art & Soul Magazine June 2008

Andie Scott @ Space4
“1100 Tokens”

Andie Scotts paintings are sombre meditation on the valiant perseverance of the Burmese people, monks, nuns and ordinary citizens facing up to such a brutal and medieval regime.
The installation comprises 1100 portraits of prisoners and demonstrators, some of whom have died through torture.

The room is awash with the colours so familiar to us representing Burma, oranges, reds and yellows, like the robes and the flags. The simplicity of the line portraits also recalls the simplicity of the Buddhist message, elegance and grace, subtle and yet profound and engaging. I felt quite tearful walking around the room, looking at faces who had, are many who still are, facing such horrible imprisonment and torture.

Scott has also produced small Buddha icons, which symbolise the lost dignity of the Burmese people and the reason why they risk imprisonment to highlight their cause on the world stage.
£10 from the sale of each canvas goes directly to the prisioners via Assistance Association for Political Prisioners Burma (AAPPB)

I urge you to take time out this month to visit this exhibition and experience an art piece that truly has something to say.

Luke Payn

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